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Welcome to Year 1

Lee Call Photography - Gledhow Staff 23 - LARGE - 0202

Miss Thomas

Pick up and collection: 8:50am - 3:20pm

Our PE day is Thursday so please come to school on that day wearing PE kit. 

Lee Call Photography - Gledhow Staff 23 - LARGE - 0182

Miss Moss

Pick up and collection: 8:40am - 3:10pm

Our PE day is Wednesday so please come to school on that day wearing PE kit. 

Lee Call Photography - Gledhow Staff 23 - LARGE - 0053

Miss Wood

Pick up and collection: 8:40am - 3:10pm 

Our PE day is Wednesday so please come to school on that day wearing PE kit. 

Class routines and collection

Children eat their dinner in the hall until 12.30.  At 12.30, they go out to play.

Children who are registered with  with 'CoolMilk'  have their milk and fruit at morning playtime. 

They should bring their own water bottle each day, and take home each evening.

Each week two children from each class will be selected to receive an award in our "Celebration Assembly". These are awarded outstanding contributions throughout the week. Every other week some children who have been identified as always making fantastic choices may be chosen to go to 'Always club' on a Friday afternoon with Mr McAlinden. 


Year One children should be encouraged and supported to read every night. Also reading a story or non-fiction to your child and asking simple questions can really help. 

Phonics/spelling and maths homework will be set each week via Spelling shed and Mathletics.

The weekly homework is always linked to what we have been learning in school that week. 

In Year One we don't use tapestry as a form of communication or learning journey so if you would like to talk to one of us please feel free to message us on dojo. 

Helpful documents

Below are a number of documents that might help your child with their learning in Year One. They include the common exception word mat, by the end of Year One children should be able to read and spell all of these common exception words. 

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