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Welcome to Year 6

Mrs Byrne

Lee Call Photography - Gledhow Staff 23 - LARGE - 0092

Pick up and collection: 8:50am - 3:20pm

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday so please come to school on those days wearing PE kit. 

Miss Woodcock

Lee Call Photography - Gledhow Staff 23 - LARGE - 0264

Pick up and collection: 8:50am - 3:20pm

Our PE days are Tuiesday and Friday so please come to school on those days wearing PE kit. 

Mrs Johnstone

Lee Call Photography - Gledhow Staff 23 - LARGE - 0238

Pick up and collection: 8:50am - 3:20pm

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday so please come to school on those days wearing PE kit. 

Class routines and collection

Children in Year 6 may walk to and from school themselves, at the parents' discretion. Please let the class teacher know in writing if you are happy for your child to walk to school alone.

Children should bring their own water bottle each day, and take home each evening.

Each week, two children from each class will be selected to receive an award in our "Celebration Assembly". These are awarded outstanding contributions throughout the week. Every other week some children who have been identified as always making fantastic choices may be chosen to go to 'Hot Chocolate Club' on a Friday afternoon with Mr McAlinden. 


Year 6 children are expected to study independently but may need to be helped with this process and should still be encouraged and supported to read every night. Children are expected to read at least three times a week (outside of school hours) for a minimum of 10 minutes.

There are assigned spelling tasks (via SpellingShed) and maths activities (via Mathletics) set as homework every week. This is set and due on a Monday.

Children may earn Class Dojos for portfolio work uploaded.


All pupils are given individual accounts for SpellingShed and will have an assigned set of spellings to learn each week. These relate to spelling patterns and statutory word lists from the National Curriculum. 

Children are also able practise their spellings using a spelling menu which can be found at the bottom of this page.

https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule is a good website to use to practise spellings.

All pupils are given individual accounts for Mathletics and Timestable Rockstars.

Through Mathletics, weekly tasks that link to the learning pupils are participating in at school will be assigned. Children can practise their times tables using Timestable Rockstars.


Teachers will distribute class-specific QR codes linking to a short questionnaire that should be scanned and completed once a week. This questionnaire records how frequently children have read that week, and how they feel about the text.

Helpful documents

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